Scottsdale Low Water Use Landscape Rebates 2024 Update

May 29, 2024

If you’re thinking about switching to artificial grass, Scottsdale’s rebate program is a great way to save money!

The city offers Scottsdale artificial grass rebates for real grass removal. It’s a great way to save money and help the environment at the same time.

With new increased rebate amounts for 2024, the city of Scottsdale now offering the best rebates for drought-tolerant landscaping of any city in Arizona.

There is a limited fund set aside for low water use rebates. With a first come, first served policy, now is a great time to think about getting your real grass replaced with a waterless lawn!

Artificial Grass Rebates in Scottsdale AZ

artificial turf to be installed in the backyard of a Scottsdale property

As part of their water conservation efforts, the city of Scottsdale offers a $2 per square foot rebate for removing real grass and replacing it with water-efficient landscaping.

There are various types of rebate programs available, but the two most common are through your water provider and your municipality.

If you decide to switch to artificial grass, make sure to check with both your water provider and your municipality to see if they offer any type of rebate.

  • The maximum rebate amount that’ll be awarded per residential property is $5,000.
  • The maximum rebate amount for commercial properties in Scottsdale is $30,000.

This is new for 2024, and really shows how serious the city of Scottsdale is about reducing water usage.

Criteria for rebate program qualification

To be eligible for turf removal rebate, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a water customer of the City of Scottsdale
  • Your project must be located within the City of Scottsdale limits
  • Your project must replace at least 500 square feet of lawn with desert-adapted landscaping
  • Your project must be completed within one year of application
  • You must submit a before and after photo of your project
  • You must submit a copy of your water bill

If you meet all of the criteria for Arizona artificial grass rebates, you can apply for the program by filling out an online application. The application includes a list of materials that you will need to submit. You’ll also need to provide a copy of your water bill so that the city can verify your eligibility.

Once you have submitted your application, you’ll receive a confirmation email within two weeks. If you’re approved for the landscape rebate, you’ll receive a check in the mail within four to six weeks.

Benefits of switching to artificial grass

waterless lawn installed by the Scottsdale Artificial Turf team

Now that you know a little bit about the program, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why artificial grass could be a good option to replace existing grass:

  • It’s environmentally friendly.
  • It requires no watering.
  • It’s low maintenance.
  • It’s pet friendly.
  • It’s durable.
  • It looks great all year round!

Your ally during the transition

Scottsdale Artificial Turf experts fitting the artificial turf for this property in Scottsdale

If you’re thinking about switching to artificial grass, Scottsdale Artificial Turf can help. We’re a local company that specializes in the installation of artificial turf. We also help commercial and residential customers in removing water inefficient grass, installing a low water use landscape, and helping with the application for water conservation rebates.

We offer a range of turf options, so can make sure you’ll find the perfect fit for your property. And because we’re local, we know all the ins and outs of the rebate program. We’ll be with you every step of your conversion project to make sure the process is as smooth as possible.

If you’re thinking about making the switch to synthetic grass, we’re here to help. If you have any questions or would like more information on artificial grass rebates, please reach out!

Scottsdale Artificial Turf is here to help. For a Free Artificial Grass Quote, Call: (480) 405-3667 

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AZ 85251

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